

Beets Leaves ビーツの葉

Have you ever eaten beets leaves?  I haven't, but when I was buying beets in the local green market the last Saturday, I was told that we can eat beets leaves.  Then I later learned that beets leaves have 7 to 10 times more calcium and 192 times more Vitamin A compared to the roots!  According to this article,, the leaves also have twice as much protein and 7 times more Vitamin C, twice as much iron than beetroot.  I have been trying to eat beets for the beauty benefits but now, I should eat the leaves as well! 

So, last night, I made this pilaf with beets, beets leaves, and tomatoes!  I think the green color of the leaves relatively remain clean even after we cook them.

When I ate, I put some chopped nuts as topping.

And for today's lunch, I added chicken on the pilaf.  It looks good, doesn't it?  It was delicious, of course!  I think that inserting lemon slices into the chicken breast was a good idea not only for the taste and flavor but also for nice color accent.  Fresh rosemary were also hiding in the chicken breast.  When I dine out, I try to avoid dish with garlic, but since I ate at home today, I cooked the chicken with garlic flavored olive oil and then use the garlic chips as topping. 

Actually I used the beets leaves for smoothie this morning as well.  It was good taste; I added pineapples, ginger, and honey as well as the callaloo as I still have a lot of collaloo at home.  But I do not want to show the smoothie as the color was ugly. lol  But I am sure that it would give good beauty benefits. 
実は今朝、ビーツの葉っぱを使ったスムージーもつくったんです。パイナップル、生姜、蜂蜜、そしてまだたくさんある例のカラルーを加えて、味は良かったです。でも色があまりきれいでないので、ここではお見せしたくありません。苦笑 でもきっと美容効果はあると思います。

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