

May YOSHIKOliciious Beauty Cooking Class@NY Mama Salon 5月のお料理教室@NYママサロン

Hello, everyone.  I did my cooking class, YOSHIKOliciious Beauty Cooking Class in NY Mama Salon last week.  This time, Naoko who is the founder of the NY Mama Salon suggested me to teach dishes without using fire.  As it is getting hot, we would be reluctant to use gas and oven, so I am sure that these dishes would be very helpful for upcoming summer.  All the dishes were very colorful and the table turned out to be very fun and festive!
皆さま、こんにちは。先週、NYママサロンで私のお料理教室、YOSHIKOliciious Beauty Cooking Classを開催しました。今回、NYママサロンを主宰されている直子さんから、火を使わないお料理をしてはとのご提案をいただきました。暑くなってくると、ガスコンロやオーブンを使うのが億劫になってきますから、このお料理、きっとこれから夏に向けて重宝すると思います。今回、すべてのお料理がとてもカラフルで、楽しい気分満載のテーブルになりました!
Many of the dishes are made by just mixing together.  This is when I was making ceviche.  I mixed black sea bass with colorful vegetables.  Very pretty! 
I made hummus with food processor.  Home made hummus is very economical and healthy!  Also we can make many different flavors of hummus.
I made nice looking baguette sandwich with hummus.  This would get attention when you have guests or bring it to a home party!
Gaspacho also can be made with food processor or blender.  We started the lunch with this standard gaspacho.  I also taught how to make the cashew nuts dip which goes well with vegetables, and everyone said delicious!  The menu was mainly vegetables yet everyone got full and did not feel heavy, and this lunch was very well accepted. 
Thank you very much for everyone who attended, and special thanks to Naoko san who organized this!

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集英社のOur Ageで、私の美容食を紹介する連載「NY発!美しくなるトリプル美食」が掲載されております!月1回更新の予定です。是非ご覧ください!



April YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen 4月のYOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen

Hello, everyone.  I had my social dining, YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen yesterday.  The theme for April YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen was "fun detox"!  It is said that spring is very good for detox, and usually vegetables are used for detox.  I made a list of vegetables who are listed for detox in many different resources and picked up some vegetables which are mentioned the most.  Also, I realized some fish and fish products contain nutrition which is good for detox.  I prepared foods with those vegetables, fish, and fish products for this social dining.  The welcome drink was detox water.  I added organic blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, and rosemary in water.
皆さま、こんにちは。昨日、私の美容食のお食事会、YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchenを開催しました。4月のお食事会のテーマは「楽しくデトックス」!春はデトックスに非常にいいと言われていて、通常、野菜がデトックスに使われます。私はいろいろなところでデトックスにいいと言われている野菜のリストをつくり、そこから特に多く取り上げられている野菜をピックアップしました。また、一部の魚と魚製品がデトックスにいい栄養素を含んでいることもわかりました。今回のお食事会ではそうした野菜、魚、魚製品を使ったお食事を用意しました。ウエルカムドリンクはデトックスウォーター。オーガニックのブルーベリー、イチゴ、ラズベリー、ローズマリーを入れました。
I forgot to take pictures of the first dish before people started eating!  This is cashew nuts dip with carrot, celery, broccoli, and purple cauliflower.  This dip is always very popular!  The main nutrients for detox are dietary fiber and potassium, and these vegetable are often mentioned as vegetables which are good for detox.  I chose purple cauliflower because it contains anthocyanin which has powerful antioxidant.
This is ahijo with leek, mushroom, and shiitake mushroom.  Mushrooms are high in dietary fiber.  Leek contains selenium which helps to detoxify mercury.  Garlic helps to increase glutathione which filters toxins
Many "wow!  pretty!" came out for this dish.  This is marinated asparagus with edible flowers.  Asparagus contains aspartic acid which is good for detox. 
My tomato flavor home made oil sardine is always very popular!  Sardine is high in selenium.  Pectin contained in tomato is also effective for detox. 
I made some Japanese style foods as well.  This sour salad contains wakame seaweed, tomato, cucumber, and soy beans.  Seaweed and soy beans are high in dietary fiber.  Cucumber is a good resource to take potassium.  I added little bit of bonito flake as well.  Bonito flake contains selenium as well as potassium.
Buttock is also high in dietary fiber.  This salad contains buttock, celery, carrot, and kombu seaweed. 
The dinner was ended with fried rice which contains bonito flakes, onion, and chirimen jako (dried young sardine).  I used butter too.  Onion is the vegetable which contains lots of selenium.  I sprinkled chopped scallion on the top, and scallion is also high in selenium. 
Thank you very much for those who attended!  It was very fun night. 

Please follow my Instagram!




集英社のOur Ageで、私の美容食を紹介する連載「NY発!美しくなるトリプル美食」が掲載されております!月1回更新の予定です。是非ご覧ください!
