Mexican YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen メキシコ料理のYOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen
Hi, everyone! I did my beauty food social dining, YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen two days in a row! The theme this month was Mexican! It started with ceviche. As for the fish, I used porgy.
皆様、こんにちは!2日続けて、私の美容食のお食事会、YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchenを開催しました。今月のテーマはメキシコ料理!まずはセビーチェでスタート。お魚はポーギーを使いました。
Then, I served tacos. I learned how to make tortilla from scratch when I visited Mexico City three years ago. So the tortilla was home-made corn tortilla! The beef was dry aged black angus ribeye beef. This was the best tacos I had in Mexico City. It is very simple, yet so good! I also prepared salsa verde and pico de gallo.
This is scallop carpaccio. I had shrimp carpaccio in a restaurant in Mexico City and it was so good. As edible raw shrimp is not available in New York, I replaced shrimp to scallop. It is still very tasty like the one I had in the restaurant.
This is beets and jicama salad. This salad was inspired from Casa Enrique, a Mexican restaurant in Long Island City.
This is jicama.
The last one was grilled octopus. This was also inspired from Casa Enrique. The restaurant made this with branzino, and I replaced that to octopus.
The first one was mainly people in the fashion industry. Thank you for coming!
In the second time, people who have various background attended. Thank you for coming!
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