

Beauty Food at Mr. Masaki Sato's Lecture at BWCJAA  ニューヨーク日系人会女性実業家の会での佐藤正樹さん講演会で美容食

It has been so cold this week and I hope people in New York stay warm.  Time flies and February is ending already!  Unbelievable!  Today, I would like to let you know that I prepared my beauty food for Mr. Masaki Sato's lecture at BWCJAA (Business Women's Committee of Japanese American Association in the past Monday night! 
He is Mr. Masaki Sato who is the President of Sato Seni, the knitting factory in Yamagata, Japan.  I have known him for approximately 18 years and his lecture about creation and marketing is always very interesting and inspiring!
This time, this wild rice salad was very popular again!  Mr. and Mrs. Sato also said, "it was delicious!"  I was very honored to hear that!
This kale salad was also very popular and several people asked me, "the leaves don't look like they were cooked, yet they are so tender and the color is so clear green.  Why?"  I explained that massaging the kale leaves well with olive oil makes the leaves finish this way.  That is my most favorite way to prepare kale because it is so easy and also this would be the most effective way to consume Vitamin C in kale as the leaves do not expose to heat.  This time, I included Vitamin-C rich persimmons as well as chickpeas.  Chickpea is very nutritionally balanced food as it contains iron, protein and Vitamin B, and it contains Vitamin E more than many other kinds of beans. 
This is my popular Indian spiced banana bread.  Ruri from Sato Seni U.S.A. especially requested this.  Thank you, Ruri san for your interest and I am glad to hear that you loved this!
I also prepared my signature quiche with three green leaf vegetables and tofu. 
After Mr. Sato's lecture, some samples were available for people to take a look, and many people were amazed with the unique texture.




Soybean Salad 大豆サラダ

What many people typically say when they see my food is "the color is very pretty!"  Many years ago, I was working as a designer at an apparel company in Tokyo.  Now, instead of designing clothes, I feel like I am designing food.  The color is very important part of my beauty food.  When it comes to make salad with soy beans, I wanted to make something which looks pretty and can be served for a party.  Then this is the soybean salad I prepared!  In addition to cooked soybeans in water, bean sprouts, mizuna, grape tomatoes, red bell peppers, cucumbers, and avocado are contained.  I used olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt, pepper, as well as curry powder and soy sauce for the dressing!  It was pretty good!  I think I can serve this for a party!
According to this article,, isoflavone in soybeans would improve the appearance of aging skin including the diminishing of fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin firmness!  When I cook the soybeans, I like to eat with a little bit of soy sauce while they are still hot. 
こちらの記事 によりますと、大豆に含まれているイソフラボンは、シワを減らしたり、肌のハリを向上させたりと、加齢による肌の見た目をよくする手助けをしてくれるとのこと!私は大豆を水煮したとき、まだアツアツの大豆に醤油をかけただけのものもおいしくいただいています。
Regarding the bean sprouts, I bought them in the farmers market in the Union Square in Manhattan.  I used to live near the Union Square and his bean sprouts are one of my favorites there.
I went there on Saturday and it was very warm and nice day! 
I bought mizuna there as well.  Mizuna is a good resource of Vitamin A and C, and according to this article,, it also has antioxidant power!  I love mizuna!  It's delicious!
水菜もここで買いました。水菜はビタミンAとCをとるのにいいのですが、こちらの記事 によりますと、抗酸化作用もあるとのことです!水菜、大好き!おいしいですよね~!




Shallow-fried Finger Food with Chickpeas, Quinoa, and Avocado ヒヨコ豆とキヌアとアボカドのお焼き

New York Fashion Week is over!  I usually go to over 60 fashion shows and presentations during the NYFW, and have to write articles every day. 

This was Alexander Wang show.  It was held in Brooklyn.
This was the setting for Tommy Hilfiger show; it was supposed to be a snow mountain with ski runs.
It was very cold with lots of snow this time, and it was not easy to walk around. 

Thanks to this rain boots, I was able to survive!
I was able to sleep for three hours only each night, and I got really tired.  Besides, I had very limited opportunity to eat good beauty food during the NYFW, so I finally get back to my beauty food style!

Today, I prepared shallow-fried finger food with chickpeas, quinoa, and avocado.  This has lots of Vitamin E as it contains almonds as well!  This also contains lemon juice, egg, salt, and pepper.  I soaked the dried chickpeas and did not cook them in water.  The mixture of the crunchy chickpeas and almonds and soft texture of avocado was very nice and delicious!
I also made different version with additional kale and black olives, and I loved this, too!
3月5日(水)日系人会館(15 West 44th Street)で開催されます「美顔&美ボディー&美肌を作るヒント満載の体験型セミナーイベント」で私の美容食やダイエットについてちょっとお話させていただき、参加者の方々のために美容食をご用意させていただくことになりました!メインはスキンケアブランドのコスメプラウドさん。私もコスメプラウドの化粧水やクリーム、アイクリームをここ数年使ってみて、とてもいい商品だと思います。ヨガの先生をされているスパドーニゆかりさん、エステティシャンのアルマンザーあきこさんのお話もあります。
昼の部は午前11時半から午後2時まで、夜の部は午後6時半から9時半までです。参加費は25ドルで、お申し込み先は となります。今出ている週刊NY生活の2面に広告が出ていますので、詳細はそちらをご覧いただけましたら幸いです。
日時:①4月14日(月)10:00~14:00  美しく品格のある女性の生き方とは
②4月18日(金)10:00~14:00  あなたが美しい人に生まれ変わるとき
③4月18日()18:30~21:00  日本女性の美質を極める


Beauty Food at Ayumo's Lecture at BWCJAA ニューヨーク日系人会女性実業家の会でのAyumoさん講演会で美容食

January is the busiest month of the year for my work as a journalist and I have not been able to update my blog recently.  Awww....However, I would like to inform that I prepared my beauty food for Ayumo's lecture at BWCJAA (Business Women's Committee of Japanese American Association in the past Monday night!!  Ayumo is a makeup artist and what she has been doing is really unique!  Ayumo tells someone's fortune with one's face and put makeup to improve the fortune! 
1月はジャーナリストとしての仕事が1年で1番忙しい月で、なかなかブログを更新できていません。はあ~ でも今週月曜日、ニューヨーク日系人会女性実業家の会で開催されたAyumoさんの講演会で、私の美容食をご用意させていただいたことをお知らせさせていただきたいと思います!!Ayumoさんはメイクアップアーティストなのですが、彼女がやっていらしていることってとってもユニークなんです!Ayumoさんは顔相を占い、運勢を上げるメイクアップをしてくださるんですよ!
Ayumo told fortune and put makeup on a lady who modeled for her lecture.  I was able to listen to her only partially as I had to prepare food in the kitchen yet it was quite interesting!  Ayumo talked like a comedian and made audience laugh often!  I was surprised that she suggested to use different eyelash curlers for right and left!  The lady who modeled became really beautiful after Ayumo put makeup!  The lecture was quite successful!
Ayumoさんは講演のためにモデルになられた女性の運勢を占い、メイクをされました。わたしは キッチンでお食事を用意しないといけなかったので一部しか聞けませんでしたが、それでもかなり面白かったです !Ayumoさんはコメディアンのようにお話されて、皆さんよく笑っていらっしゃいました!彼女が右と左で異なるビューラーを使うようにとおっしゃっていらしたことには驚きました!そして、メイクが終わった後のモデルをされた女性、本当におきれいでしたよ!!講演会、大成功でした!
After the lecture, it's time for chatting and eating!  I prepared four dishes!
This is my bite-size quiches with green vegetables and tofu!  This became my signature!
This is kale salad with roasted sweet potatoes, avocados, pomegranates, grape tomatoes, goat cheese, and walnuts.
This is my another signature, the wild rice salad!
This is also my popular Indian spiced banana bread.  Many people said, "delicious!" and that made me really happy! 
Ayumo has published these books and she is looking to move to NY.  The next time when I see her, I want her to tell my fortune and teach me the makeup which will improve my fortune!!!
