Today is New Year's Eve! 2014 is coming to New York in a couple of hours! In Japan, it is traditional to eat soba (buckwheat noodle) in New Year's Eve, wishing a long life in tribute to the long length of soba. Soba has some good beauty benefits including rutin which has antioxidant properties as well as protein. Therefore, I prepared soba for today's dinner.
In Japan, it is traditional to eat "osechi" which is a series of special dishes prepared for New Year. For the first 20 years after I started living in New York, I was preparing about 10 dishes almost every year when I was in New York for New Year. I stopped doing that some years ago, but I prepared one dish tonight which was 'datemaki" which is a rolled egg. Eggs contain many nutrients including iron and protein. Rolled foods are inspired from old educational books in Japan and eating rolled foods in New Year reflects respect about learning. Therefore, I prepared another rolled food. This is not traditional food for New Year but I thought it might be good. I cooked protein-rich ground chicken breast, burdocks, scallions, gingers with miso made from soybeans, sake, and little bit sugar, and then rolled them with dumpling skins, and then sautéed them in frying pan. According to this article,, burdock could increase circulation to the skin and help for detox. Scallion contains vitamin C, ginger warms your body up, and miso made from beans is rich in iron.
日本では伝統的に、おせちと呼ばれる新年のために特別につくられた一連のお料理をいただきます。ニューヨークに住み始めて最初の20年間は、ほとんど毎年お正月にニューヨークにいる限り、約10品を用意していました。数年前に止めてしまいましたが、今晩は1品だけ、伊達巻を用意しました。卵は、鉄やたんぱく質を含むさまざまな栄養を含んでいますよね。巻いた食べ物は、日本の昔の書物にインスパイアされたもので、新年に巻いた食べ物をいただくことは、学ぶことに対するリスペクトを反映しています。それで、私はもう1品巻いた食べ物を用意しました。これは伝統的な食べ物ではないのですが、いいかもしれないと思い、つくってみました。たんぱく質の豊富な鶏胸肉のひき肉、ゴボウ、細ネギ、生姜を豆味噌、酒、少しのお砂糖で調理し、それを餃子の皮で巻いてフライパンで焼きました。こちらの記事 によりますと、ゴボウは肌の血行を抑止、デトックスに役立つとか。細ネギはビタミンCを含んでいますし、生姜はからだを温め、豆味噌は鉄が豊富です。
The cooked foods inside of the dumpling skins are like these. While they were still warm, they were pretty good!
I would like to express my deep appreciation toward all the people who have been reading my blog this year. I hope everyone enjoys my blog and will have opportunities to taste my food some day. I wish all the best for everyone in 2014! Thank you very much for your warm support and I would appreciate for your continued support to YOSHIKOlisious Beauty in 2014!
今年、私のブログを読んでくださいましたすべての方々に心より感謝しております。皆さんがこのブログを楽しんで読んでくださり、いつか私の料理をご賞味いただけますことを望んでいます。2014年が皆さんにとって素晴らしい年になりますように!暖かいサポートに感謝しますと共に、2014年もYOSHIKOlisious Beauty を引き続き、よろしくお願いいたします。
最後になりましたが、NY x JAPAN x FASHION NETWORKING HOLIDAY PARTYのことを、ニューヨークの大人気ブロガーの黒部エリさんが、彼女のブログでご紹介くださいました。 にてご覧いただけますので、是非皆様、ご覧いただけましたら嬉しいです!
Sardines イワシ
Do you like sardines? I love sardines! Unfortunately, sardines are usually unavailable in my local stores, but yesterday, I had an opportunity to go to Daido, a Japanese grocery store in White Plains and they had sardines! They were small but flesh, therefore I bought a package.
Then I cooked stuffed sardines last night. The fillings included chopped garlic, onions, yellow zucchinis, green zucchinis, tomatoes, rosemary, basils, salt, pepper, and olive oil. I added some bread crumbs and cheese so that the fillings stayed together. After I finished roasting the stuffed sardines, I placed them on the dish together with chopped tomatoes, basils, and black olives. Don't you think that it turned to be a very fancy dish? The package of the 15 sardines cost $1.72!
Sardines contain various nutrients including selenium, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and protein. According to this article,, selenium helps prevent oxidative stress by working together with a group of nutrients which include vitamin E and vitamin C! Omega-3 essential fatty acids would be helpful for shinier and healthier hairs according to this article.! Sardine also contains tryptophan which would help to have a good sleep. I did have a good, long sleep last night!
イワシは、セレン、オメガ3必須脂肪酸、たんぱく質を含むさまざまな栄養素を含んでいます。こちらの記事 によりますと、セレンはビタミンEやビタミンCなどの栄養素と共にとることで、抗酸化の手助けになるとのこと!オメガ3必須脂肪酸は、 の記事によりますと、髪を艶やかで健康的にするのに役立ってくれるそうです!イワシはまた、良い睡眠を手助けしてくれるトリプトファンも含んでいます。確かに、私は昨晩、よく長く寝れました!
Then I cooked stuffed sardines last night. The fillings included chopped garlic, onions, yellow zucchinis, green zucchinis, tomatoes, rosemary, basils, salt, pepper, and olive oil. I added some bread crumbs and cheese so that the fillings stayed together. After I finished roasting the stuffed sardines, I placed them on the dish together with chopped tomatoes, basils, and black olives. Don't you think that it turned to be a very fancy dish? The package of the 15 sardines cost $1.72!
Sardines contain various nutrients including selenium, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and protein. According to this article,, selenium helps prevent oxidative stress by working together with a group of nutrients which include vitamin E and vitamin C! Omega-3 essential fatty acids would be helpful for shinier and healthier hairs according to this article.! Sardine also contains tryptophan which would help to have a good sleep. I did have a good, long sleep last night!
イワシは、セレン、オメガ3必須脂肪酸、たんぱく質を含むさまざまな栄養素を含んでいます。こちらの記事 によりますと、セレンはビタミンEやビタミンCなどの栄養素と共にとることで、抗酸化の手助けになるとのこと!オメガ3必須脂肪酸は、 の記事によりますと、髪を艶やかで健康的にするのに役立ってくれるそうです!イワシはまた、良い睡眠を手助けしてくれるトリプトファンも含んでいます。確かに、私は昨晩、よく長く寝れました!
2013 Christmas Breakfast and Dinner 2013年クリスマスの朝食とディナー
Christmas is over! How was your Christmas? I wish all of you had a great time yesterday. Yesterday morning, I prepared Christmas styled open sandwich! I prepared flat breads the night before and then stored them in freezer. Yesterday morning, I placed kale, basil, tomato, avocado, mozzarella cheese, and pomegranate and then roasted it. Basil is rich in vitamin A which is known to have antioxidant properties according to this article,!
As for dinner, I cut the flat breads and then placed mashed avocado and pommegranate seeds on them as if they looked like a Christmas tree! I mixed lemon juice and little bit of olive oil into the mashed acovado and these were good and fun!
Stuffed tomatoes added Christmas colors as well!
The main dish was roasted chicken and vegetables. I put rosemary and sliced lemons in the stomach of the chicken. Regarding the vegetables, I roasted purple carrots, purple onions, golden beets, and Brussels sprouts with rosemary. According to this article,, purple vegetables and fruits have a pigment called anthocyanin which has an antioxidant power!
メインディッシュはローストチキンとローストした野菜です。チキンのおなかには、ローズマリーとスライスしたレモンを入れました。野菜は、紫ニンジン、紫玉ねぎ、ゴールデンビーツ、芽キャベツをローズマリーと共にローストしました。こちらの記事 によりますと、パープルの野菜や果物は、アントシアニンという抗酸化パワーをもつ色素をもっているのです!
As for dinner, I cut the flat breads and then placed mashed avocado and pommegranate seeds on them as if they looked like a Christmas tree! I mixed lemon juice and little bit of olive oil into the mashed acovado and these were good and fun!
Stuffed tomatoes added Christmas colors as well!
The main dish was roasted chicken and vegetables. I put rosemary and sliced lemons in the stomach of the chicken. Regarding the vegetables, I roasted purple carrots, purple onions, golden beets, and Brussels sprouts with rosemary. According to this article,, purple vegetables and fruits have a pigment called anthocyanin which has an antioxidant power!
メインディッシュはローストチキンとローストした野菜です。チキンのおなかには、ローズマリーとスライスしたレモンを入れました。野菜は、紫ニンジン、紫玉ねぎ、ゴールデンビーツ、芽キャベツをローズマリーと共にローストしました。こちらの記事 によりますと、パープルの野菜や果物は、アントシアニンという抗酸化パワーをもつ色素をもっているのです!
2013 Christmas Eve Dinner 2013年のクリスマスイブディナー
Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a nice time with family and friends. For Christmas Eve, I roasted turkey breast. I then sliced and placed them on the dish, and then put cranberry sauce on the top. I then sprinkled chopped rosemary and placed pomegranate seeds around the meat. This turned out to be very nice! I found that turkey breast and pomegranate matched very well!
For appetizer, I prepared roasted vegetables. I used to go to Atlanta on business many years ago and I was always traveling alone. I then found a very nice French restaurant and it became my favorite. I used to go there for dinner every time I went to Atlanta. It was located in a shopping mall therefore, I felt comfortable to go there alone despite of that it was a nice French restaurant. One day, I ordered roasted vegetables from the list of the appetizers and I got something like this. It was quite delicious and also it looked very nice, therefore I started preparing it myself at home. This contains eggplant, zucchini (both green and yellow), tomato, goat cheese and portobello mushroom. As for the dressing, I used extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and chopped basils.
For soup, I prepared New England clam chowder. I used both fresh clams and canned clams here! This was very delicious, too! While I was cooking this, it was little bit snowing outside. As this soup was white as snow, I felt that it was a good timing!
For appetizer, I prepared roasted vegetables. I used to go to Atlanta on business many years ago and I was always traveling alone. I then found a very nice French restaurant and it became my favorite. I used to go there for dinner every time I went to Atlanta. It was located in a shopping mall therefore, I felt comfortable to go there alone despite of that it was a nice French restaurant. One day, I ordered roasted vegetables from the list of the appetizers and I got something like this. It was quite delicious and also it looked very nice, therefore I started preparing it myself at home. This contains eggplant, zucchini (both green and yellow), tomato, goat cheese and portobello mushroom. As for the dressing, I used extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and chopped basils.
For soup, I prepared New England clam chowder. I used both fresh clams and canned clams here! This was very delicious, too! While I was cooking this, it was little bit snowing outside. As this soup was white as snow, I felt that it was a good timing!
Holiday Party in My Friend's Residence お友達のご自宅でのホリデーパーティ
Last night, my friend, AK who is a singer-songwriter hosted a holiday party in her residence, and I was requested to bring a couple of foods for the party. I prepared the finger food style quiche with kale, spinach, and parsley as well as avocado and tofu and the wild rice salad. Many people gave me very nice compliments about these and that made me very happy! Thank you, AK for the great opportunity to introduce my beauty foods to many people!
AK also cooked lots of foods and everything was very delicious!
She is AK! We met in the spring of 2011 through some events for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. AK then launched Fellowship for Japan and we are currently preparing the TOGETHER FOR 3.11 THIRD ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL FOR JAPAN’S EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI VICTIMS which will be held on March 9th, 2014. If you are using Facebook, it would be greatly appreciated if you access to
こちらがAKさんです!私たちは、2011年春、東日本大震災で被災した方々の支援イベントを通じて知り合いました。AKさんはその後、フェローシップ・フォー・ジャパンを立ち上げ、私たちは今、14年3月9日に開催するTOGETHER FOR 3.11 の3回目の追悼式典の準備を進めています。フェイスブックをお使いの方は、 のリンクをご覧いただけましたら幸いです。
Many friends came to AK's party and everyone was having fun!
AK also cooked lots of foods and everything was very delicious!
She is AK! We met in the spring of 2011 through some events for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. AK then launched Fellowship for Japan and we are currently preparing the TOGETHER FOR 3.11 THIRD ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL FOR JAPAN’S EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI VICTIMS which will be held on March 9th, 2014. If you are using Facebook, it would be greatly appreciated if you access to
こちらがAKさんです!私たちは、2011年春、東日本大震災で被災した方々の支援イベントを通じて知り合いました。AKさんはその後、フェローシップ・フォー・ジャパンを立ち上げ、私たちは今、14年3月9日に開催するTOGETHER FOR 3.11 の3回目の追悼式典の準備を進めています。フェイスブックをお使いの方は、 のリンクをご覧いただけましたら幸いです。
Many friends came to AK's party and everyone was having fun!
We also celebrated be-lated AK's birthday as a surprise!
Ms. Hideko Colton who has been appeared in FCI's TV cooking show also brought a dessert and that was very yummy, too!
Last night, my friends and I hosted a holiday party which we entitled as "NY x JAPAN x FASHION NETWORKING HOLIDAY PARTY." Approximately 160 people, including top executives of NY branches of Japanese corporations, people who have been working at American firms, freelance fashion journalists and photographers, as well as students in FIT and Parsons The New School for Design, participated in the party. The location was Manhattan Center for Kitchen & Bath, a showroom for high-end kitchen and bath room. Julia Roberts and Suzan Sarandon are included in their clients.
夕べ、友人たちとNY x JAPAN x FASHION NETWORKING HOLIDAY PARTYと名づけたホリデーパーティを開催させていただきました。日系企業の駐在事務所のトップの方々、アメリカ企業で働いていらっしゃる方々、フリーランスのファッションジャーナリストやフォトグラファー、そしてFIT やパーソンズ・ザ・スクール・フォー・デザインの学生さんたちを含む、約160人が参加してくださいました。場所は、高級キッチン&バスルームのショールームであるマンハッタン・センター・フォー・キッチン&バス。ジュリア・ロバーツやスーザン・サランドンもクライアントなんですよ。
I prepared four kinds of finger foods for this party! This is finger foods with mozzarella cheese, roasted and marinated beets with balsamic vinegar, and roasted Brussels sprouts.
These are my signature quiches with kale, spinach, parsley and tofu.
These are finger foods with persimmons, Parma prosciutto, and white turnips.
I bought the mozzarella cheese and prosciutto in this store, Alleva in Little Italy. I believe their imported prosciutto and store-made mozzarella cheese are the best! By the way, I just realized that garbage in front of the store was included in the picture. lol
For this party, Mr. Jiro Iida, who is the chief chef at Aburiya Kinnosuke now and will open his own restaurant "Salt + Charcoal"(171 Grand Street, Williamsburg NY) in February, cooked foods in the open kitchen in the showroom! Jiro's foods were, of course, very popular as well! Those in this picture were burdock chips! I missed taking a picture of his salmon dish but that was very delicious, too! Thank you very much for your amazing foods, Jiro san!
このパーティでは、現在炙り屋錦之介の料理長で2月にご自身のレストラン「ソルト+チャコール」(171 Grand Street, Williamsburg NY) をオープンされる飯田二郎さんも、ショールームのオープンキッチンで腕をふるってくださいました!二郎さんのお料理も、勿論、大好評でした!ここに写っているのは、ゴボウのチップスです!二郎さんのサーモンのお料理の写真、撮り損ねてしまったのですが、それもとっても美味しかったです!二郎さん、とっても美味しい食事、ご馳走さまでした!
These are the organizers; Mr. Daiki Suzuki from Nepenthes and Engineered Garments, Ms. Masako Kaufman from United Allows (center), and me.
Everybody was having fun! The preparation was hard, but I now feel very relieved with that it turned out to be successful thanks to cooperation from many people. Thank you very much, everyone! Many people are saying. "please do it again!" OK, we will try our best!
夕べ、友人たちとNY x JAPAN x FASHION NETWORKING HOLIDAY PARTYと名づけたホリデーパーティを開催させていただきました。日系企業の駐在事務所のトップの方々、アメリカ企業で働いていらっしゃる方々、フリーランスのファッションジャーナリストやフォトグラファー、そしてFIT やパーソンズ・ザ・スクール・フォー・デザインの学生さんたちを含む、約160人が参加してくださいました。場所は、高級キッチン&バスルームのショールームであるマンハッタン・センター・フォー・キッチン&バス。ジュリア・ロバーツやスーザン・サランドンもクライアントなんですよ。
I prepared four kinds of finger foods for this party! This is finger foods with mozzarella cheese, roasted and marinated beets with balsamic vinegar, and roasted Brussels sprouts.
These are my signature quiches with kale, spinach, parsley and tofu.
These are finger foods with persimmons, Parma prosciutto, and white turnips.
I bought the mozzarella cheese and prosciutto in this store, Alleva in Little Italy. I believe their imported prosciutto and store-made mozzarella cheese are the best! By the way, I just realized that garbage in front of the store was included in the picture. lol
In addition to these, I also prepared Indian spiced banana bread but apparently I forgot to take a picture of that! OMG! In any case, I prepared 100 to 120 pieces for the each kind and I was very glad to hear that many people said, "delicious!"
For this party, Mr. Jiro Iida, who is the chief chef at Aburiya Kinnosuke now and will open his own restaurant "Salt + Charcoal"(171 Grand Street, Williamsburg NY) in February, cooked foods in the open kitchen in the showroom! Jiro's foods were, of course, very popular as well! Those in this picture were burdock chips! I missed taking a picture of his salmon dish but that was very delicious, too! Thank you very much for your amazing foods, Jiro san!
このパーティでは、現在炙り屋錦之介の料理長で2月にご自身のレストラン「ソルト+チャコール」(171 Grand Street, Williamsburg NY) をオープンされる飯田二郎さんも、ショールームのオープンキッチンで腕をふるってくださいました!二郎さんのお料理も、勿論、大好評でした!ここに写っているのは、ゴボウのチップスです!二郎さんのサーモンのお料理の写真、撮り損ねてしまったのですが、それもとっても美味しかったです!二郎さん、とっても美味しい食事、ご馳走さまでした!
Small pieces of fishes were here! They looked pretty, too!
Students were serving my foods. They were greatly helpful! Thank you very much!
Everybody was having fun! The preparation was hard, but I now feel very relieved with that it turned out to be successful thanks to cooperation from many people. Thank you very much, everyone! Many people are saying. "please do it again!" OK, we will try our best!
Mr. Michael Bastian (left) who is the famous men's wear designer in NY also came to our party!
Chicken Meatballs チキンミートボール
I recently had an opportunity to exchange e-mails with a lady who is diagnosed diabetes. She eliminates carbs as much as possible, which includes bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, winter squash, noodles, as well as fruits and beans. What she often eats would be broccoli, broccoli rabe, summer squash, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, daikon, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, mushrooms, as well as chicken, fish, and cheese. It has been challenging for her to feel full without having carbs. I thought about dishes which eliminate carbs as much as possible and would produce a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and of course, would have beauty benefits.
As she eats chicken, I prepared chicken meat balls with protein-rich chicken breast and iron-rich chicken liver. I also included tofu which is made of soy beans but the carb level is low, as well as onion, miso, ginger, salt, and pepper. When I ate these while they were hot, they were very delicious!
I also prepared sauce with tomatoes and roasted and chopped red bell pepper. I poured the sauce on the top of the meat balls and then put chopped parsley on the top. The sauce was quite delicious, too!
When we decorate this with broccolis and cauliflowers, it would increase the volume. Also, more Vitamin C!
The meet balls can be used for soups with many vegetables and mushrooms like this, too. I here out kale, carrot, onion, cauliflower, mushroom, and garlic.
As she eats chicken, I prepared chicken meat balls with protein-rich chicken breast and iron-rich chicken liver. I also included tofu which is made of soy beans but the carb level is low, as well as onion, miso, ginger, salt, and pepper. When I ate these while they were hot, they were very delicious!
I also prepared sauce with tomatoes and roasted and chopped red bell pepper. I poured the sauce on the top of the meat balls and then put chopped parsley on the top. The sauce was quite delicious, too!
When we decorate this with broccolis and cauliflowers, it would increase the volume. Also, more Vitamin C!
The meet balls can be used for soups with many vegetables and mushrooms like this, too. I here out kale, carrot, onion, cauliflower, mushroom, and garlic.
Holiday Dinner Party at My Friend's Residence お友達のご自宅でのホリデーディナーパーティ
Yesterday, Kaya who has been my friend for more than 10 years hosted a holiday dinner party at her residence in Manhattan and I prepared food for the party! I prepared seven dishes for 18 people.
These are hors d'oeuvres with Belgian Endives. This time, I put prosciutto, goat cheese, pomegranate, and persimmon.
This is my signature wild rice salad. It seems that this was the most popular dish this time. Many ladies gave me many nice compliments about this salad. There are nine different vegetables, fruits and nuts included here!
This is also my signature food which is the finger food style quiche with green vegetables and tofu. I used kale, spinach and parsley for this. It seems that people particularly appreciated about that kale was included here.
These are hors d'oeuvres with Belgian Endives. This time, I put prosciutto, goat cheese, pomegranate, and persimmon.
This is my signature wild rice salad. It seems that this was the most popular dish this time. Many ladies gave me many nice compliments about this salad. There are nine different vegetables, fruits and nuts included here!
This is also my signature food which is the finger food style quiche with green vegetables and tofu. I used kale, spinach and parsley for this. It seems that people particularly appreciated about that kale was included here.
I also prepared gratin with Brussels sprouts and grape tomatoes as well as sautéed swordfish with tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, and parsley. I bought the swordfish in the green market in the Union Square and many people said it was very fresh and delicious. Also, everyone said "they look very pretty! Nice colors!" when they came to the table!
The main dish was seafood paella! I used scallops, squids, and mussels which I bought in the green market in the Union Square, and decorated it with roasted red bell peppers, lemons, and parsley on the top. メインディッシュはシーフードパエリア!ユニオンスクエアのグリーンマーケットで買ったホタテ、イカ、ムール貝を使い、ローストした赤ピーマン、レモン、パセリをトッピングしました。
Dinner time! As for the dessert, I prepared jellied rosehip & hibiscus tea which I introduced before at, and that was popular as well.
ディナータイム! 最後にデザートとして、以前ブログ(でご紹介したローズヒップとハイビスカスティーのゼリー寄せをお出しし、こちらも好評でした。
This is Kaya (left) and me. Thank you very much Kaya for giving me a great opportunity to introduce my beauty food to many ladies!
Kaya represents some jewelry designers in New York and she was doing private jewelry sale on this day. In day time, she displayed the jewelry like these and invited people to the sale. During the dinner party, everyone enjoyed trying many different jewelry and many women were making multiple purchase! She will do the sale on the next Sunday as well!かやさんはニューヨークのジュエリーデザイナー数人のレップをされていて、この日はジュエリーのプライベートセールをされていらっしゃいました。昼間はこのようにジュエリーをディスプレーして、セールにご招待。ディナーパーティの最中は、皆さんいろいろなジュエリーの試着をエンジョイされ、複数買いされている方も結構いらっしゃいました!来週日曜日もセールをされるとのことです!

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