

Green Leaves Vegetables and Yellow Oyster Mushroom Risotto 緑の葉野菜とイエローオイスターマッシュルームのリゾット

Hello, everyone.  It was rainy all day today, and it is still raining!  It was pretty foggy during the day.
Yet, of course, I went to the local green market this morning!  I then found very beautiful yellow oyster mushrooms!
それでも勿論、今朝も地元のグリーンマーケットに行きましたよ~ そして、とっても美しいイエローオイスターマッシュルームを見つけました!
I have been trying to make a recipe of risotto with green leaves vegetables and without cheese.  This has been pretty challenging to me, and today, I mixed this yellow oyster mushrooms and it was quite delicious!  The colors also have spring mood, right?  According to this article, oyster mushrooms have antioxidant effects and cooking the oyster mushrooms does not reduce the level of the antioxidant!  That's great!  The aroma from the mushrooms was very rich!
I used three kinds of green leaves vegetables here and one of them was this organic baby broccoli.  Broccoli is very good resource for vitamin C!

 ‪#‎美容食‬ #vegetable #mushroom #risotto #vegetarian
NY在住の皆様、次回の式部会でのYOSHIKOlicious Beauty Cooking Class は5月11日(月)10時半~1時半です!メニューは現在検討中ですが、春野菜を使ったお料理や春らしい色合いのお料理、そして乳製品を使わない4品を考えたいと思っております。ご興味のおありの方は、是非あけておいていただけましたら幸いです。



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