

Spanish Food YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Cooking Class スペイン料理のYOSHIKOlicious Beauty Cooking Class

Hello, everyone!  I did my YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Cooking Class on Monday.  Thank you very much for those who attended.  I have done Spanish food cooking class many times.  My paella and octopus are particularly popular!  Yet I received a request of having the paella class again.  Everyone who participated enjoyed all the foods very much.  After the demonstration, we started dinner with gazpacho.  This is the basic gazpacho which I learned from my Spanish friend long time ago.  I said we can add watermelon to this if we want to have little different gazpacho.
皆さま、こんにちは!月曜日に、私のお料理教室YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Cooking Class を開催しました。いらしてくださった皆様、ありがとうございます。スペイン料理のお料理教室は何度もやってきています。私のパエリアとタコは特に人気!それでも、パエリアのクラスをまたやってほしいというリクエストをいただきました。参加してくださった皆様、すべての料理をとても楽しんでくださいました。デモンストレーションの後、ガスパチョでディナーをスタート。だいぶ前に、スペイン人の友人に教わった、一番ベーシックなガスパチョです。アレンジとして、これにスイカを混ぜてもいいですよとお伝えしました。
I introduced two types of appetizer with white anchovy.  I like white anchovy, but many people have not had white anchovy, so this is a good opportunity for people to try white anchovy.  One is similar to pan con tomate.  I put chopped tomato on the sliced baguette and then added a white anchovy and chopped parsley.
Another one is skewed white anchovy with tomato and mozzarella cheese.  Everyone said "cute!" when I showed this.  As white anchovy already has sour taste, we don't need to add any seasoning, and that is very convenient!  I served my favorite Manchego cheese as well. 
Everyone was amazed with the tenderness of the octopus!
Everyone was amazed with my tasty paella as well!  This time, the clam were so big!  They were wild from Whole Foods Market.
Thank you very much again for everyone who came!  I later received comments of that she leaned lots of tips and ideas. 

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