

Foods I Have Been Eating During the Coronavirus Stay-at-Home Period ①  コロナで自宅待機中に私が食べているもの①

Hello, everyone!  It has been more than two weeks since New York State issued Stay-at-Home order due to the Coronavirus.  Everyone has been eating at home.  Some people have been using delivery and take out but I have been preparing foods at home everyday.  During this time, what I have been focusing the most besides my basic concept of beauty food are eating foods which would increase immune system and avoiding gaining weight.  As we don't move much at home, we have to be careful not to gain weight.  Under this circumstances, if we gain weight, we may feel even more depressed.  Therefore, I have been careful not to gain my weight, and as a matter of fact, I lost four pounds in the past two weeks!  So I would like to introduce what I have been doing these days. 

First of all, there are things I did not buy at all when I did shopping due to the Stay-at-Home environment.  Those are snacks, pasta, and liqueur.  I decided to live with the liqueur I already had at home.  I have no snacks at home.  When I want to eat something sweet, I either eat yogurt with raw honey or organic raisins.  I bought only one tiny bread, and mostly I have been eating rice in terms of carbohydrate.  In short, I have been avoiding foods which would likely contribute to gain weight. 

I usually eat three times a day, but since the stay-at-home policy started, I have been trying to eat two times a day.  I eat brunch and early dinner, and the earliest dinner would be 4:30 in the afternoon and the latest would be around 6:30.  I usually do not eat between the meals, but when I want to eat something, I eat the leftover side dish, or little bit of fruits, or little bit of cheese and nuts. 

Regarding brunch, Japanese style are prepared in some days and western style are prepared in the other days.  Fermented foods are especially good to increase immune system, so I try to eat natto rice two to three days a week.  When I prepare western style brunch, I often prepare voluminous salad.  I usually do not eat bread.  I would get full with a voluminous salad.  Today, I introduce the very nutritious and voluminous salads I have been making these days.

March 15.  This salad contains chrysanthemum, sprout, purple onion, avocado, tomato, chick pea, and walnuts.  I bought the chrysanthemum in the farmers market in Union Square and the leaves were very tender.  Chrysanthemum and tomato are very rich in vitamin C.  Onion contains allicin which has a power for anti germ and anti virus and it increases immune system.  Avocado is very rich in vitamin E which has antioxidant power.  Chick pea contains iron, protein, and vitamin E as well as vitamin B6 which would help to digest protein and fat.  Walnut is rich in omega 3 fatty acid which also has antioxidant power.  With chick peas and avocado, I get full with this one salad.  I boiled organic dried chick peas with pressure cooker, and stocked some in freezer.
3月15日。このサラダは春菊、スプラウト、紫玉ねぎ、アボカド、トマト、ひよこ豆、そして胡桃が入っています。 春菊はユニオンスクエアのファーマーズマーケットで買ったもので、葉っぱがとっても柔らかかったです。春菊とトマトはビタミンCが豊富。玉ねぎは抗菌、抗ウイルスパワーをもち免疫力を上げてくれるアリシンを含んでいます。アボカドは抗酸化パワーのあるビタミンEが豊富。ひよこ豆は鉄、たんぱく質、そしてビタミンE、そしてタンパク質と脂質の代謝を手助けするビタミンB6を含んでいます。胡桃はやはり抗酸化作用のあるオメガ3必須脂肪酸を含んでいます。ひよこ豆とアボカドが入っているので、これだけでおなかいっぱいになります。私は圧力鍋でオーガニックの乾燥ひよこ豆を水煮して、一部を冷凍しておきます。
March 16.  The salad is almost same to the one the day before, except that I added white anchovies on the top.  Anchovies are fermented foods so they are good to increase immune system.  I had some yogurt on this day.  Yogurt is also fermented food.  The tea was earl gray.
March 27.  This is similar to the salads before, and I added boiled broccoli instead of avocado.  With broccoli and chick pea, I was able to get full with this one salad.  I also added sliced shiitake mushroom.  Mushroom is also good to increase immune system. 
March 29.  This salad was for Japanese style brunch day.  This contains broccoli, avocado, chopped onion, and bonito flakes.  I seasoned it with soy sauce and Japanese mayo.  I have served this salad for my beauty food social dining time to time, and it has been very popular!  Bonito flakes are also fermented foods!
I hope these are helpful.  Please stay safe!

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集英社のOur Ageで、私の美容食を紹介する連載「NY発!美しくなるトリプル美食」が掲載されております!月1回更新の予定です。是非ご覧ください!


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