

October YOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchen part2 10月のYOSHIKOlicious Beauty Kitchenパート2

Hello everyone!  I received a request to do my social dining with Japanese sake only again, and I did that last night.  Everyone brought a bottle of Japanese sake each, and I prepared foods which would work with sake.  Thank you very much for those who participated!  There were two people who came little late, and there were two more sake in addition to these, and we opened and enjoyed everything.
The dinner was started with karasumi (dried mullet roe) with Japanese cucumber.  I often see the combination of karasumi and daikon, but I like to use cucumber instead of daikon for this.  I bought the karasumi in Eataly.
This is my regular menu when I prepare Japanese foods; this is peanut miso with shishito peppers.  I use Hacchou miso which is made with beans, as miso made with beans contains more iron compared to other miso which are made with rice or barley.  Shishito peppers are rich in vitamin C.
Chicken liver is rich in iron as well as vitamin B-12.  This is salt liver.  I simply added salt in the chicken liver and put in refrigerator for a half day, and then boiled.  I wondered some people may not like liver, but all of liver were gone.
I bought squid and sea scallops in the farmers market in Union Square the day before, and marinated them with sake kasu (lees leftover from sake production) and white miso and then grilled them.  Squid and sea scallops are rich in protein and low in calories.  Sake kasu and miso are known to warm up our bodies.
When I was in the farmers market, I saw beautiful mustard green.  I wanted to make something with the mustard green, and I made mustard green kurumi-ae (dressed with walnuts mixture).  Mustard green is rich in vitamin C and A but it is not easy to eat as it has very bitter taste.  With walnuts dressing, it becomes easy to eat mustard green.  Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acid.
This is chicken tsukune (Japanese chicken meat ball).  Chicken breast is rich in protein.  I have been adding egg or tofu to make tender tsukue, and this time, I added hampen (made with white fish paste). 
I wanted to make something with saki ika (shredded and dried squid) which contains squid ink.  Saki ika works well with sake, but I wanted to mix them with vegetable so that we can get more nutrition.  I mixed them with carrots and seasoned them with vinegar, sesame oil, and soy sauce.  Carrot is very rich in vitamin A as well as beta carotene. 
My potato salad is always popular.  I always serve my potato salad right after it is made, because I think potato salad is the best when it is still warm.  I added anchovy to this potato salad.  My potato salad with anchovy has been popular in my Instagram, too.
Lots of organic eggplants were available in the farmers market.  I made eggplant nanbanzuke(deep-fried and marinated in sauce which contains vinegar, soy sauce, and other ingredients).  The purple eggplant skin is rich in antioxidant.
The dinner was ended with takana-zuke (pickled mustard leaf) fried rice.  Takana-zuke is rich in beta carotene, and it also contains good amount of vitamin C and potassium.  I added pine nuts which are rich in iron.
Thank you very much for everyone who brought great sake! 
Everyone has great smile! 

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