

Seafood with Saffron Cream Sauce シーフードのサフランクリームソース煮

It was little bit raining this morning but I went to the local green market early.  Last week, I overslept and arrived there around 10:00 a.m., and all the seafood I wanted to buy were gone!  Therefore, I got there around 8:45 a.m.  I bought clams, mussels, squids, scallops, and a blue fish.

In addition to them, I also bought eggplants, carrots, beets, and granola with three different kinds of berries.

As soon as I came back to home, I put the clams and mussels in salt water to purge them.

And then, I prepared seafood with saffron cream sauce tonight.  I did this when I was doing a cooking class about 10 years ago and this is one of my favorite dishes!
Clams and mussels are good resource for iron.  I roasted Vitamin-C rich red bell pepper and added them on the seafood.  Squids and scallops are included here as well.  I have used saffron only for cooking, but it seems that there are many skincare products which contain saffron.  According to this article,, there are many ways to use saffron and milk together for skincare, therefore, hopefully, this dish which contains both saffron and heavy cream will have beauty benefits!  Also, according to this article,, Cleopatra used saffron in her bath and saffron was used as a seductive power!

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