

Soybean Salad 大豆サラダ

What many people typically say when they see my food is "the color is very pretty!"  Many years ago, I was working as a designer at an apparel company in Tokyo.  Now, instead of designing clothes, I feel like I am designing food.  The color is very important part of my beauty food.  When it comes to make salad with soy beans, I wanted to make something which looks pretty and can be served for a party.  Then this is the soybean salad I prepared!  In addition to cooked soybeans in water, bean sprouts, mizuna, grape tomatoes, red bell peppers, cucumbers, and avocado are contained.  I used olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt, pepper, as well as curry powder and soy sauce for the dressing!  It was pretty good!  I think I can serve this for a party!
According to this article,, isoflavone in soybeans would improve the appearance of aging skin including the diminishing of fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin firmness!  When I cook the soybeans, I like to eat with a little bit of soy sauce while they are still hot. 
こちらの記事 によりますと、大豆に含まれているイソフラボンは、シワを減らしたり、肌のハリを向上させたりと、加齢による肌の見た目をよくする手助けをしてくれるとのこと!私は大豆を水煮したとき、まだアツアツの大豆に醤油をかけただけのものもおいしくいただいています。
Regarding the bean sprouts, I bought them in the farmers market in the Union Square in Manhattan.  I used to live near the Union Square and his bean sprouts are one of my favorites there.
I went there on Saturday and it was very warm and nice day! 
I bought mizuna there as well.  Mizuna is a good resource of Vitamin A and C, and according to this article,, it also has antioxidant power!  I love mizuna!  It's delicious!
水菜もここで買いました。水菜はビタミンAとCをとるのにいいのですが、こちらの記事 によりますと、抗酸化作用もあるとのことです!水菜、大好き!おいしいですよね~!



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