Jelly with matcha and soy milk can be used in many different ways. This may look more like pudding than jelly but I did not use eggs for this. I like to decorate this with plain yogurt and some fruits.
We could put yogurt on the jelly, too!
We can sprinkle matcha on the top as well! With the sprinkled matcha, we could get more Vitamin C!!
When we prepare the jelly in a glass like this, it gets even more fun! It might be pretty with sprinkled confection sugar on the top. The yogurt can be replaced with ice cream, but I guess using yogurt and omitting confection sugar would be healthy.
A smoothie with matcha, soy milk, and bananas is my favorite, too! It is so yummy!
Matcha crepes with soy milk is fun, too! I used chocolate cream here.
By the way, water soluble Vitamin C is known to leave the body easily. I have been trying to take Vitamin-C rich food but I was wondering if my body absorbs Vitamin C decently. I then asked Ms. Asako Miyashita, the Registered Dietitian who works at Nihon Medical Healthcare in New York about this. Ms. Miyashita said, "Vitamin C is not stored in the body. If you intake excess amounts of Vitamin C, it is excreted in the urine. One of the good keys for absorption of Vitamin C is having the healthy digestive system." I was so relieved to hear that! I don't know the situation in other countries, but in the U.S.A., when we reach to a certain age, we are told to take a intestine check-up. Depending on the result, we are told to come back in three years or five years for the next check-up, and in my case, I was told to come back in eight years! When I told this to my friend who was in the same age, he said to me, "I've never heard of someone who was told to come back in eight years! You must have had very clean and healthy intestine!" lol Also, I have not been taking Vitamin C supplements, but Ms. Miyashita told me, "In the case of Vitamin C, it would be the best to take Vitamin C from food. I have seen some people whose skin problem was not solved by supplements and then solved with food." When I heard that, I felt relieved and at the same time, I thought to develop beauty food with Vitamin C more and more!
ところで、水溶性のビタミンCはすぐにからだから流れていってしまうと言われますよね。私はビタミンC豊富な食べ物をできるだけとるように心がけていますが、私のからだがちゃんとビタミンCを吸収しているのかしらとちょっと気になっていました。そこで先日、ニューヨークの日本クリニックで米国登録栄養士をされている宮下麻子さんにお伺いしたところ、「ビタミンCは体内で貯蔵することはできないので、過剰に摂取した場合は、尿から排泄されます。吸収するために大事なことの1つは、腸内が健康であることです」とのお答えでした。それを聞いてほっと一安心!というのも、他の国ではどうか知らないのですが、アメリカではある年齢に達すると、大腸検査をするように言われます。そしてその結果次第で、次回の検査は3年後ですとか、5年後ですとか言われるのですが、私は次回は8年後と言われたのですよね!その話を同年代の友人にしたら、「8年後なんて言われた人聞いたことない!よっぽどきれいな腸をしてたんだねえ!」と言われました。笑 それから、私はビタミンCのサプリをとっていないのですが、宮下さんは、「ビタミンCは食べ物でとるのが一番。サプリで肌の荒れが改善されず、食べ物で治った例を見てきています」とおっしゃっていらっしゃいました。これに関しても良かった!と思うと同時に、ビタミンCが含まれている美容食をもっともっと考えてみよう!と思いました。She is Ms. Asako Miyashita. I learned a lot from Ms. Miyashita!
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